Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to be trained in Holocaust Education through Facing History and Ourselves. At the time, I had no idea how that program would change so much of my program. If you ever get a chance to be involved with the organization, it is an amazing experience!
Since then, I’ve created a year-long 8th grade research project, make.a.difference, in which students choose a person or organization that has made a positive difference in the world. Facing History uses the Holocaust as a catalyst for teaching tolerance as well as choosing to participate in order to make the world a better place.
In 7th grade, I’ve created a rich Holocaust Education experience involving film, literature, short stories, poems, and graphic novels. I challenged my 7th graders to research a survivor or upstander from the Holocaust to remember. They used imovie and photostory to create a digital story about their person. The end result was powerful, meaningful, and moving. Click here to view all of their amazing creations!
My diigo list of Holocaust resources.