What will education look like in 20 years?


This morning, I came across a poll from Edutopia that asked:  What will online learning look like in 20 years? My answer was that it would be prevalent, continuing to grow, and will be growing in popularity.  This seemed to be the most popular answer.  As I pondered this, I asked myself what education would look like in 20 years.  Twenty years ago, I was entering college.  We had word processors, not laptops, and presentations were still done with colorful posters that were painstakingly made.  I can’t remember when I got my first email address, but I can remember my first home computer in 1997!  That wasn’t that long ago…or was it?

I’ve been teaching for 15 years…and I wondered how much education has changed during that time.  There have been a lot of changes using technology.  I would have to say that incorporating new technologies into my classroom is what keeps me current and what keeps my students engaged.  I am a risk taker and enjoy the challenge of change, but I know that is not the general consensus with teachers across the board.  So, there have been a lot of things that haven’t changed in education in the past 20 years.  Without support, interest, and differentiated instruction for TEACHERS, a lot of “new technology” is “old teaching” with some bells and whistles.

So when I ask myself what education will be like in the next 20 years, I imagine it to be a little more advanced with some more bells and whistles with some trailblazing teachers that embrace it, some that go with the flow and try to keep up, and some that are “old school”.  I do know a few things:  education is slow to change….slow is fast in education…and innovation & technology are useless unless the teachers are supported and encouraged to try it and use it.

I’ll still be teaching in 20 years…I’ll only be 57.  I look forward to the future of education and am excited to see what it brings…whatever that may be!  Where will you be in 20 years and what will education look like for you?

2 thoughts on “What will education look like in 20 years?

  1. Jen Braxton

    So yes, sadly I agree with you on what education might look like in 20 years. So what can we do to mobilize our teachers better? How can we provide the support and encouragement so that more blaze the trail?

  2. mrspal1 Post author

    Thanks for your post, Jen.
    I believe that we need to have differentiated instruction for teachers, just as we do with students. Professional development in schools needs to be designed so there are different entry points for different skill levels. Once professional development it introduced, there needs to be support and follow up. A one day inservice is not the answer to true professional development. Teachers need to explore new materials and come back at a later date with questions and time to share and expand what they have learned.

    Also, schools need to expose their teachers what is available to them and how they can use it in their classrooms. Sadly, many teachers are not even aware of what the possibilities are. Using technology does not have to be complicated. A blog I follow just posted some easy ways to create digital content: http://tinyurl.com/yoqbrz Schools need to utilize their own “trailblazers” to engage, excite, and encourage other teachers.

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